Health Coaching with LEAH HARVEY

Helping you rebalance your hormones, revitalize your metabolism, and reclaim your energy!

Struggling with weight, hormones, or energy? I can help you customize your eating plan so it WORKS.


After struggling with my energy, hormones, metabolism, and weight for years, I finally discovered the important keys to women's health that I was missing. What started as a quest to reclaim my own health has turned into a system that has helped hundreds of women discover how to support their own bodies and get different, better - and LASTING - results.


Get my free QuickStart guide, and take your first steps toward health, balance, and weight loss.

Ready to explore working together? Pick your starting point below.

Online courses

Coming soon! Masterclasses on Metabolic Eating 101, Happy Hormones, Gut Health Optimization, and more.

Check back soon
1-on-1 Coaching

Apply for your personalized, private nutrition coaching program, tailored to your goals, your preferences, and your needs.

Schedule a FREE discovery call
Free Resources

Access free content, from Quickstart guides, to healthy recipes, and more.


Take me there!

"I loved how you explain everything so clearly. It really helped me to understand the different fuel types, why you need them, and how the fats and carbs work, etc."


"I finally got my weight below 130 and have been able to keep it there. I'd like to lose 5 more but it's a big step going under 130!"


I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

"For the first time in my life, I feel like I could actually stick to this plan for 10 years...or forever!

I really love knowing that I'm eating the right foods that make me feel good and help me lose weight. I'm truly on the"Beth Diet" for life."


The latest from my blog 


Coming soon...

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